Tag Archive: domestic abuse

Chris Brown is Literally the Dumbest Man Alive

Domestic violence and Chris Brown


When Getting Beaten By Your Husband Is A Pre-Existing Condition

Words cannot describe the sheer inhumanity of this claim. It serves as yet further proof that our insurance system is broken, destroyed by the profit-mongering of the very companies whose sole purpose should be to provide Americans with access to care when they need it most. In 1994, an informal survey conducted by the Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice of the United States Senate Judiciary Committee revealed that 8 of the 16 largest insurers in the country used domestic violence as a factor when deciding whether to extend coverage and how much to charge if coverage was extended.


Domestic Violence is Real

This is an amazing and innovative domestic violence ad from Amnesty International that reacts and changes itself when you look at it. When you aren’t looking at the poster it shows an act of domestic violence between a couple. When you do look at the poster, a camera sensor activates and shows a couple pretending…


New Maryland Domestic Violence Laws Signed Today by Governor

May 19, 2009 A Message from Lt. Governor Brown Dear Friends, Earlier today, Governor O’Malley signed legislation that will take guns out the hands of domestic abusers. For me, and far too many other Marylanders, this new law strikes a personal chord. My cousin Cathy was killed by her estranged boyfriend last summer. She was…


Domestic Violence: What Can the Judge Order?

Outline of the legal rights in Maryland for victims of domestic violence. Includes all possible remedies available in protective orders.
