I am No Longer a Family Law Lawyer - I am a Divorce Lawyer, A Custody Lawyer, An Adoption Lawyer, etc., etc., etc.

Besides Kinky Friedman, it’s a little tough these days taking advice from anyone in Texas. But wonders never cease and today was no exception. Attorney Jamie Spencer of the Austin Criminal Defense Lawyer Blog finally said it. Calling yourself a Family Law Lawyer is just plain dumb. What that label is really is saying is Family Statute Lawyer and that makes no sense either. He says it best:

I am not a divorce lawyer. And by the way – double tangent alert - if I were, I’d be a “divorce lawyer”, not a “family law attorney.” What the hell is that anyway? Worst euphemism ever? Divorce ain’t all that great if you’ve got a family, by which I mean children. Why kid ourselves by pretending that you need a “family lawyer”… you need a divorce lawyer.

Divorce may be necessary, or it may be the best option you have available. Ubiquitous no-fault divorce makes better public policy than “let’s go to court and make up bad stuff about each other so we can get split up” divorce law. I am not saying there’s anything wrong with you getting a divorce. This sideline diatribe isn’t about moral judgments. Just pointing out that “divorce” and “family” are closer to antonyms than synonyms.

Well Jamie, I dare say there will be - there ought to be - many revisions made to websites and blogs forthwith. I sure know what I’ll be doing today.

Jamie also included a video of Jerry Reed singing She Got the Goldmine and I Got the Shaft. Well Jamie, it’s a good thing you aren’t a Family Law divorce lawyer, because you would have alienated half of your potential clientele by posting Jerry singing from one side of the aisle. Here is the video that a real divorce lawyer would post (such as I) - Jerry Reed and Dolly Parton - telling the whole story.

Jerry Reed and Dolly Parton - They Both Goth the Shaft

Postscript: I think we can all trust Willie Nelson too.

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